Warning: This post is mostly for my own amusement & memory-- In other words you probably won't find it remotely interesting-- feel free to skip it. :) Since I've only just started blogging & have been quite sparse this is my attempt to document 2008. This was a big year, full of good & bad, some big & some small, but I want to remember all of it. You know how Grandma & Grandpa say things like "That was in 1952." I always wonder how they do that. Maybe this will help me.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2008 was the year. . . .
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 8:44 AM 12 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Few of My Favorite Things
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 4:40 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Keller's Kodak Moments
The truth is sometimes those Kodak moments are just a little painful to come by. Anyway, everyone survived and I think that Wendy did a great job capturing the light in my children's eyes. I particularly like the one of Curt & Eliza which reminds me a little of a picture of me & my dad walking together in Hobble Creek Canyon. These kids are so precious to me-- as is my very handsome hubby. I have been thinking today that I am so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful family, both the family that I come from & the family that God has now blessed me with. They fill our home with joy & love and that is everything that is good in the world to me.
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 1:17 PM 8 comments
Grandma's Moves In & Other Random Events
So I guess I can't change my wallpaper to a Christmas theme, if my last post is from Halloween. It's just that I'm finding that I'm much more a blog READER than a blog WRITER. I just can't think of much to report, but here are a few of the random things that have been happening in our lives recently...
This is my darling soon to be 89 year old Grandma--Prudence "Donna" Packard. Even though she goes by Donna,-- Prudence fits her so well. She is the queen of "use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."
I think I have a little bit of that in me as well--don't you think I am a bit of an old soul? However, I have also come to realize that I have a long way to go to be up to Grandma's standard. (Main lesson: don't even think about trying to clean out the fridge when she is around.)
We are so happy that she gets to spend part of the winter with us. It has been interesting to learn more about her life from hearing her stories. Also, despite my protests, she is such a big help to me. She takes her morning walk every morning with Isaac on his big wheel leading the way. She rarely lets a dish sit in the sink for more than 3 seconds. Right now she is in San Jose spending the holidays with her son and I am finding it is much harder to keep up with the laundry & kitchen without her! Plus I have no idea what's going on on The Young and the Restless, which she watches everyday at 11:00. :)
As if we don't have enough commotion in our house in the morning. . . here is a scene in front of my house recently at about 5:45 am. We were rudely awoken at that crazy hour by all our fire alarms going off. They are SUPER LOUD! I didn't smell smoke, but I couldn't turn them off either. What could I do? I had to call the fire department. They came (& saw me in my bathrobe--lovely!) and determined... that they had no idea why they went off...dust might have triggered them?
I'm just including this picture because Curt loves it. It's a slice of life in our kitchen. Isaac is just laying on the bar watching Josh make his own egg salad sandwich (which his Grandma Keller taught him how to do-- Thank you very much Carol!)
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 11:51 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Happy Retro Halloween
Here is us pumpkin carving. We ate fresh pumpkin for the first time this year (not these). But it isn't too bad-- a little like spagetti squash. I'm also loving butternut squash. I discovered that you can microwave it so easily. Just poke holes in the squash (leave it whole) and microwave it for about 10 minutes. If it isn't really tender, do one minute more at a time. Then cut it in half and scoop out the seeds & discard. Scoop out the flesh & mash it with a little butter, salt & pepper and a couple spoonfuls of cream (or milk). Wow! So easy & yummy.
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 6:28 AM 5 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
DC in Election Season
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 4:43 PM 6 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sedona Trip
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 8:31 PM 8 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
My 10 Rules
Do Mom's have rules? Unstructured people like me (unlike people like Clark Kent) sometimes try to make rules for themselves, in some kind of desperate attempt to obtain more order in their lives. (Thinking, if it's a RULE then maybe I will actually DO it?)
I was just trying to clean off my desk & wading through my mounds of paperwork. (And if you know me, you already know how much I HATE PAPERWORK and therefore you can see how I would jump at the chance to blog my way out of this job.) (By the way we DO have a rule in our house that we never say we HATE anything, but I DO HATE paperwork, so there goes that rule-- out the window.)
Anyway, as I was throwing away papers, I found a list of Rules (that I made for myself) that I had scribled on the back cardboard part of my trusty yellow legal pad which contains all my to-do lists--(thank you Ward). I know I was thinking that the cardboard part was a "safe" place to put these rules. :)
2) Do jobs on the right day before 3pm
This means that Monday is laundry, Tues is house cleaning, Wed. is shopping & Thursday is paperwork & Friday is catch up. Now I confess, I'm not sure if those are the right days, because
3) Prepare dinner (or as much as I can) in the morning. I like this rule & try to keep to it if possible. But a new rule, or maybe a byline of this is "Just eat leftovers as often as we can" which also makes me eat less because I don't really care about leftovers.
4) Read Ensign or scriptures every day.
5) Clean Kitchen and Family Room before going to bed, so I can start fresh tomorrow. (This one comes from my wonderful mother who was always so good at this. I am improving in this area, but still need work.)
6) Bathe my children (at least) on Tues. Thurs & Sat. nights. Noel taught me this. Thanks Noel! That way, I don't fall into that confusion over "How long has it been since you last had a bath?" and the kids are at least pretty clean for church on Sunday. (By the way, in the summer, a late afternoon swim counts as a bath! Bonus!)
7) Monthly Food Calendar-- (I confess I don't even know what this is? What was I thinking? Let's just change it to weekly menu, shall we? That is even a stretch, but more doable.)
8) Paperwork and Budget Report every Tuesday-- Oh! I guess Tuesday was supposed to be my paperwork day-- but I had to change that all around so I would go to aerobics. At any rate, I AM trying to do this, but like I said, that is what I am supposed to be doing right at this moment.... so I guess this still needs improvement.
9) Fast Sunday-- make it a day of rest, prayer, reading & journal writing. This is my excuse for not having anyone to dinner on that one Sunday a month, which Curtis, being born of goodly parents, would like us to do at least 4 nights a week.
10) Read with Eliza every day. (I had to make that a rule, because unlike with Ian & Josh, I just keep letting it slip through the cracks & she needs to catch up. I was relieved when I found out that her teacher requires her to read 10 minutes for homework every night so we are doing just fine now.)
I think I might have to add one more: No blogging until my paperwork is done!
Do you have any good rules to share? :)
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 1:45 PM 9 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I'm 7 years older than G & K...
Gallagher & Kennedy turned 30 & they took us all to Laguna Beach to celebrate at the 5 star resort "Montage." It was Spectacular! We almost didn't go because Clark Kent (CK) thought he was too busy at work & also wanted to go camping with Ian's scout troop (on my birthday!-- what?) So I cancelled the tickets, but then his mom called him up and helped him see the light! Hooray for Carol! We had a wonderful time walking the town, combing the tide pools, eating FAB food, swimming & enjoying our luxurious room complete with plush robes, slippers & 17 different bath potions. CK works witht the coolest people & I love their wives! One night we ate at Cafe Zoolu which boasts the best swordfish on the planet (says Zagat) and the worst waitress (says us). We called her the Swordfish Nazi, but dinner was worth it.
(Note to self--who has the worst memory I know--) Things I want to remember: sharing Nacho's & reading Goose Girl while Superman works, seeing Kevin & Karsen Cranney & their beautiful girls for a few hours of beach & swimming, eating lunch at the Greek Aegean Cafe, the lemongrass lotion in our room, meeting Dana Reynolds at dinner & talking religion (she's Jewish & married to a Catholic), the fresh granola, yogurt & berries for breakfast, and flying home with Beth Broadfoot who has airplane fears combined with a healthy sense of superstition and has worn the same exact outfit (including underwear) each & every time she has flown for the past 18 years. (Lucky for her I think those stirrup pants are coming back in style!) Best of all, getting 2 full days & nights with the best husband in the world!
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 1:00 PM 3 comments
My Favorite Chicken Farmers
Posted by Keller Clan Mom at 12:43 PM 0 comments