Friday, October 3, 2008

My 10 Rules

Do Mom's have rules? Unstructured people like me (unlike people like Clark Kent) sometimes try to make rules for themselves, in some kind of desperate attempt to obtain more order in their lives. (Thinking, if it's a RULE then maybe I will actually DO it?)

I was just trying to clean off my desk & wading through my mounds of paperwork. (And if you know me, you already know how much I HATE PAPERWORK and therefore you can see how I would jump at the chance to blog my way out of this job.) (By the way we DO have a rule in our house that we never say we HATE anything, but I DO HATE paperwork, so there goes that rule-- out the window.)

Anyway, as I was throwing away papers, I found a list of Rules (that I made for myself) that I had scribled on the back cardboard part of my trusty yellow legal pad which contains all my to-do lists--(thank you Ward). I know I was thinking that the cardboard part was a "safe" place to put these rules. :)

1) Exercise 3x's a week (I am doing ok on this right now, but I must have made this a rule because of my tendency at times to take a short break from exercise-- like 6 months off)

2) Do jobs on the right day before 3pm
This means that Monday is laundry, Tues is house cleaning, Wed. is shopping & Thursday is paperwork & Friday is catch up. Now I confess, I'm not sure if those are the right days, because
a. I can't find the notebook that tells me what day is what and
b. I change them everyweek anyway, and
c. no matter what I never, ever seem to fit in the day for paperwork. I have actually managed to skip it for like a month now. (The before 3pm is because after my kids get home from school nothing gets done, since I am just in "putting out fires" & "driving my taxi" mode.)

3) Prepare dinner (or as much as I can) in the morning. I like this rule & try to keep to it if possible. But a new rule, or maybe a byline of this is "Just eat leftovers as often as we can" which also makes me eat less because I don't really care about leftovers.

4) Read Ensign or scriptures every day.

5) Clean Kitchen and Family Room before going to bed, so I can start fresh tomorrow. (This one comes from my wonderful mother who was always so good at this. I am improving in this area, but still need work.)

6) Bathe my children (at least) on Tues. Thurs & Sat. nights. Noel taught me this. Thanks Noel! That way, I don't fall into that confusion over "How long has it been since you last had a bath?" and the kids are at least pretty clean for church on Sunday. (By the way, in the summer, a late afternoon swim counts as a bath! Bonus!)

7) Monthly Food Calendar-- (I confess I don't even know what this is? What was I thinking? Let's just change it to weekly menu, shall we? That is even a stretch, but more doable.)

8) Paperwork and Budget Report every Tuesday-- Oh! I guess Tuesday was supposed to be my paperwork day-- but I had to change that all around so I would go to aerobics. At any rate, I AM trying to do this, but like I said, that is what I am supposed to be doing right at this moment.... so I guess this still needs improvement.

9) Fast Sunday-- make it a day of rest, prayer, reading & journal writing. This is my excuse for not having anyone to dinner on that one Sunday a month, which Curtis, being born of goodly parents, would like us to do at least 4 nights a week.

10) Read with Eliza every day. (I had to make that a rule, because unlike with Ian & Josh, I just keep letting it slip through the cracks & she needs to catch up. I was relieved when I found out that her teacher requires her to read 10 minutes for homework every night so we are doing just fine now.)

I think I might have to add one more: No blogging until my paperwork is done!

Do you have any good rules to share? :)


Erin said...

Hi there Aimee. That was so fun to read! You are a good woman! I like your rules a lot...even if you don't know which days are for what. I have a goal sheet that hangs on my fridge with all of my house jobs listed under different days. It's been up there since the beginning of the summer and I'm pretty sure I've only really gotten through half of the first week. Oops. But it is a reminder, and if nothing else it guilts me into trying harder the next day.

My only real rule (I'm pretty sure I could use a few more) is that my bed HAS to be made before I get back into it that night. Somtimes it means making it at 10:30pm, 5 minutes before I plan to get into it. I think it's my one OCD area, and I'm ok with that. Oh, and I do try to make sure the kitchen/TV room are clean each night. It just feels so much better waking up to that. That's it for me, but you've inspired me to do a little better.

Amy G. said...

sorry to pop onto your blog without an invitation, but i just had to say i love your set of rules and think that you have now solved my life! awesome.

now if i could just DO them...

Unknown said...

Those are fantastic! I miss seeing that crazy yellow pad sticking out of your bag at all times! Thanks for giving us all a motivation to organize our lives better. I keep feeling like I need to REALLY get on top of all my jobs as a stay at home mom. I am amazed at how quickly life gets filled up...and I only have 1 kid! Love the new blog template! Good job!

Lorri said...

You sound like the typical mom. A whole lot to do and not enough time in a day. I definitely agree that prioritizing is a must! I have a great system thats easy for your 30 day menu. (I promise its just as easy or easier than your 1 week menu) I'll post it on my blog soon. Keep up the good work!

Erin A said...

Hey There! I leap frogged over from Sheri's blog...hope you don't mind. Those are great rules. I'm definitely going to instigate some for our house.

I have one rule that I made up when the family food storage pamphlet came out. I wanted to build up a small reserve of cash to have in an emergency but realized cash never lasts too long..babysitting, kids chores, etc.

I call it the "TEN DOLLAR BILL RULE" Simply stated it is this: anytime you ever get a ten dollar bill you must save it. It can never be spent and once put away can not be taken out. So if I go to the grocery store and get $10 cash back, if they give me 2 fives I can spend it, but if its a ten then it is saved. I've been surprised how quickly it has added up. We have a budget set for groceries so it's kinda like skimming off the top. Shhh. Ethan doesn't know about it! One day in several years he may be surprised!

Sheri Lee said...

You are more structured than me! I really wish I could be more OCD like some of my friends and have to have a clean house, and have everything organized, etc. At least you wrote them down! I do find that when I write down a list of things to do daily, I do get more done than if I just say I am going to do x y and z. You are still one of my idols!

Crissie said...

I'm with you on the paperwork. I HATE paperwork too! I would rather iron clothes than organize paperwork, and I really hate ironing clothes! That reminds me of the many times we spent our afternoons as teenagers in your laundry room-talking and talking as you ironed your Dad's shirts! :)


Harlene said...


What a fun surprise to find your blog! What a cute fam and how great you all seem to be doing.

Was just at Michelle's last night and told her I found this. I'm hoping she'll drop by too.

The only rule I can think of right now that I've managed to stick with over 19 years, It's not worth being on time to church if we're all in a bad mood over it. Plan ahead, be patient, but no screaming to get to Sacrament on time.

Your rules look great!

Brent & Emily Slade said...

Yes....yes....thank you! That is just what I need...someone to tell me how it works! I'm seriously adopting all these rules. And one you taught me...on cleaning day is to take around the basket of the odd and ends things from room to room to put them where they go. Anyway- thanks! And I love the new template too- so cute! Can't wait to hear about your trip!