It's Christmas Eve 5 am & I can't sleep already--I'm already so excited & keyed up about it all, so I thought I'd post a few of my favorite things about my kids. I love their everyday "funnyness."
Ian: Here he is on a snow campout last weekend. (Can you think of anything more miserable. I'm not sure I can.) The boys have started their usual tactics to negotiate a time to wake up on Christmas morning. We said 7, they said 6:30. Then last night he sent me this email:
Josh: the serious student. (Insert picture of him in his new glasses.) He has the craziest language homework. (I've even been in to talk to the principle about it, but that is another story.) Usually it will say something like this: Compose a complex sentence with the spelling word "attorney" that contains a prepositional phrase and an adverb and an adjective and a proper noun and supercalifragilisticexpealidocious. Anyway sometimes it leads you to come up with some pretty funny sentences just to fit the criteria. But you've got to love this one, especially if you are Curtis, that he came up with for his homework last week:

"Go under your bed because the attorney is coming."
Eliza: Here she is reading to Isaac. The other day while driving her and her 4 little girlfriends to gymnastics I overheard the following conversation about one of the girls' moms who did in vitro.
"She had to get a baby put in her tummy."
"Well I guess there was a baby and it needed someplace to be put. So they put it in her tummy."
"Everybody has babies in their tummy."
"No not everyone."
"Well, not kids or babies, just grownups. All grownups have babies in their tummies."
Eliza, "Not my mom. She doesn't have a baby in her tummy."
Isaac: Yesterday Ian & Josh & their friends were out having an airsoft gun war in the dirt hills. He was not to be left out. He got on these snow boots (in our case "mudboots") and found an old gun downstairs. He pushed the highchair to the door and climbed up on it so he could undo the high latch I installed to keep him inside and headed out the garage to join the army.
I know he may look harmless, but he has a quite a serious record of cleptomania. It's really only one thing that he steals. Keys. Make that 2. Keys and candy. Here is a picture of the contents of his pocket after spending a little time at Autumn's.
If you can't tell those are the keys to their riding lawn mower. We have moved the hiding place of our lawn mower keys at least 10 times and he always finds them. It's uncanny how he does this. You can only wonder what this means for his future life. . . .
We africans just LOVED that post! Those kids are so funny! We hope you have a great time in Seattle. We will miss you but can't wait to see for for the day!
Love you!
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