Sunday, September 28, 2008

How do YOU spell Show Low?

Beckie & Eliza, such cute friends

This is Lindsay on the end, she's just older than Isaac

Josh did indeed take a little flack over the pink gear, but he took it like a man!

We were planning our annual family camping trip for labor day weekend this year. But still fresh in our minds was last years trip when on day 2 (luckily) a massive rain storm rolled in and we packed up as fast as we could and got a little (ok-- quite a lot) drenched as we high-tailed it out of there. So this year I checked the forcast as the day approached which called for. . . (you guessed it) thundershowers! We were thinking to just skip it, when Autumn suggested we go along with them to their cabin in Show Low. We happily accepted and had a blast walking around the nearby lake & riding quads through the mountains.

While we were at Dairy Queen on Friday night, Curt asked me how you spell Show Low. You don't know how to spell Show Low I said! (Kind of like how we all like to make fun of him for saying Rocky POINT!) But then I started to wonder, was it Showlo? Sholow? Anyway, I told him it was Showlow... one word, but later realized it's 2. Now you know...


Brent & Emily Slade said...

That's so funny! And don't forget Taco BELL! That's my favorite. guys have had a lot of cool adventures in the last 2 months. Glad you got to go to Show Low!