Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm 7 years older than G & K...

These tide pools are full of fun anemones & sea life.

Shopping in London.... oops, I mean Laguna

Going to the firm's big banquet dinner at the resort

The view from our room's balcony

The Montage

This beach here is so cool. I love this natural arch.

Gallagher & Kennedy turned 30 & they took us all to Laguna Beach to celebrate at the 5 star resort "Montage." It was Spectacular! We almost didn't go because Clark Kent (CK) thought he was too busy at work & also wanted to go camping with Ian's scout troop (on my birthday!-- what?) So I cancelled the tickets, but then his mom called him up and helped him see the light! Hooray for Carol! We had a wonderful time walking the town, combing the tide pools, eating FAB food, swimming & enjoying our luxurious room complete with plush robes, slippers & 17 different bath potions. CK works witht the coolest people & I love their wives! One night we ate at Cafe Zoolu which boasts the best swordfish on the planet (says Zagat) and the worst waitress (says us). We called her the Swordfish Nazi, but dinner was worth it.

(Note to self--who has the worst memory I know--) Things I want to remember: sharing Nacho's & reading Goose Girl while Superman works, seeing Kevin & Karsen Cranney & their beautiful girls for a few hours of beach & swimming, eating lunch at the Greek Aegean Cafe, the lemongrass lotion in our room, meeting Dana Reynolds at dinner & talking religion (she's Jewish & married to a Catholic), the fresh granola, yogurt & berries for breakfast, and flying home with Beth Broadfoot who has airplane fears combined with a healthy sense of superstition and has worn the same exact outfit (including underwear) each & every time she has flown for the past 18 years. (Lucky for her I think those stirrup pants are coming back in style!) Best of all, getting 2 full days & nights with the best husband in the world!

My Favorite Chicken Farmers

One day while Ali was here, we were getting ready to go somewhere, but we couldn't find Isaac & JoJo so we all went looking.  Here is where we finally found them! . . .  If you can't tell from the picture, they are inside the chicken coop.  

How do YOU spell Show Low?

Beckie & Eliza, such cute friends

This is Lindsay on the end, she's just older than Isaac

Josh did indeed take a little flack over the pink gear, but he took it like a man!

We were planning our annual family camping trip for labor day weekend this year. But still fresh in our minds was last years trip when on day 2 (luckily) a massive rain storm rolled in and we packed up as fast as we could and got a little (ok-- quite a lot) drenched as we high-tailed it out of there. So this year I checked the forcast as the day approached which called for. . . (you guessed it) thundershowers! We were thinking to just skip it, when Autumn suggested we go along with them to their cabin in Show Low. We happily accepted and had a blast walking around the nearby lake & riding quads through the mountains.

While we were at Dairy Queen on Friday night, Curt asked me how you spell Show Low. You don't know how to spell Show Low I said! (Kind of like how we all like to make fun of him for saying Rocky POINT!) But then I started to wonder, was it Showlo? Sholow? Anyway, I told him it was Showlow... one word, but later realized it's 2. Now you know...